Life-Changing Results as Experienced by EDG3 Users
A much better alternative to your multivitamins
My body was so addicted to the multivitamins that I had been using for at least 15 years. Every time I stopped taking them, I would immediately catch a flu, with either runny nose or coughing. Then, I replaced my multivitamins with EDG3, and just on the first week, I felt great and didn’t fall sick. EDG3 is the master of boosting your immune system. -
Improved immune system
My personal experience with EDG3 has been amazing. Just a few months of consuming it has made a big difference in my body. I can feel that my immunity has been boosted – the number of times I get sick in a year has been significantly reduced and my ability to recover from sickness is greater than ever. My health is my priority and EDG3 is my top health product.
Blood sugar levels lowered in three months!
I have had blood sugar problems for 10-15 years. I was amazed that, after taking EDG3 for three months, my blood sugar level has gone down and my doctor has also reduced my medication. -
Blood sugar levels lowered in three months!
I have had blood sugar problems for 10-15 years. I was amazed that, after taking EDG3 for three months, my blood sugar level has gone down and my doctor has also reduced my medication. -
Swelling due to pancreatic dysfunction reduced in 10 days!
My mom is 63 years old. She falls sick easily. Three months ago, she was diagnosed with pancreatic dysfunction and affected her liver and gall bladder. Her body was swollen and she couldn’t sleep well at night. After ten days of EDG3 consumption, the swelling was reduced! Now my mother sleeps tightly like a baby every night. -
Gastric and mouth ulcers alleviated
I have had mouth ulcers for nine years, and I have tried all kinds of supplements, but none of them work. After fifteen days of using EDG3, my ulcers have been reduced. I don’t suffer from the pain for so long anymore because they heal very fast. -
No more vomiting and fatigue after dialysis!
My son is a kidney patient and is doing dialysis twice a week at a hospital in Delhi. He used to have nausea and vomiting every after a dialysis session. He was weak and tired as well. But when he started taking EDG3, he no longer feels nauseous or vomits. He regains strength very quickly and he no longer feels weak after a dialysis session. His quality of sleep has also improved.
Knee pain relieved in three months
I had suffered from breast cancer 11 years ago and I am diabetic. The treatment and medicines have caused a lot of side effects on my body such as knee pain and back pain. I’m happy that, after using EDG3 for three months, my knee pain is getting better now. -
Relieved joint pain in 20 days!
My father is 73 years old. He has been suffering from arthritis and joint pain since last year. I bought EDG3 for him because I heard that many people have experienced significant improvement in their joint problems after taking it. Impressively, my father’s joint pain was relieved after only 20 days of consuming EDG3! -
Knee pain relieved in three months
I had suffered from breast cancer 11 years ago and I am diabetic. The treatment and medicines have caused a lot of side effects on my body such as knee pain and back pain. I’m happy that, after using EDG3 for three months, my knee pain is getting better now. -
Back pain alleviated in two weeks!
I saw improvements with my back problem immediately in my second week of taking EDG3. I’ve been taking EDG3 for seven months now. -
Joint pain relieved!
I've been suffering from chronic joint pain due to inflammation. I couldn't believe that, after taking EDG3 for just a few days, my joint pain was relieved. -
Joint problem alleviated
I had joint pains and couldn’t lower down my uric acid level. After consuming two boxes of EDG3, my uric acid level dropped from 8 mg/dL to 5 mg/dL. -
Pain relieved in two months!
During my first month of using EDG3, I didn’t see any difference. It was on the second month when I really noticed a change. My legs and bones began to feel better and stronger. I've been sleeping better, and I've become more active. I no longer use drugs for pain relief. The pain in my bones has been relieved.
Reduced gastric pain!
EDG3 is an amazing product. I used to have gastric pain. Since I started regularly consuming EDG3, it doesn’t happen as frequently as before anymore. I also noticed that my digestion has improved, and I am having less episodes of diarrhea. -
Recovered from constipation!
I'm 40 years old and have had constipation problems for a long time. After using EDG3, I was surprised that my bowel movement became regular. EDG3 has also given me more appetite and made me feel more energised. Now, I can wake up very easily every morning. I recommend EDG3 to all my family and friends. -
Gastric pain reduced!
My gastric issues have improved tremendously. Thanks to EDG3, I don’t suffer from gastric pain as frequently as before.
Better memory, greater energy, and mental focus
I started using EDG3 because I have a busy lifestyle and I need more energy to complete my work. After using EDG3 for three weeks, my energy levels have increased, my mental focus became better, and even my memory has improved. LifeQode EDG3 is fantastic! -
Migraine alleviated in just one month!
I suffered from daily migraine for many years. The pain was so severe and there were times when I could not see out of my left eye. After taking EDG3 for one month, my daily migraine has been alleviated. -
Dizziness in the morning lessened in just 15 days!
I have low blood count and always feel dizzy especially in the morning. To my surprise, in just 15 days of taking EDG3, the dizziness lessened. I was amazed by this quick result.
Better skin
My family has been taking EDG3 for a few months now and we’ve seen really great effects. We get sick less often, we feel energised and even our skin became better. My have better skin complexion because of its lightening effect. I would encourage every one of you to take EDG3 for your health. -
Lightened under-eye circles
After using EDG3 for some time, I found that it really does make a difference. My wife noticed that the dark circles under my eyes were lightened when I myself hadn’t even noticed it. EDG3 is a fantastic product which makes a notable difference to my health. -
Got rid of pimples and dark spots
I used to have many pimples and dark spots on my face due to lack of sleep. I noticed that after using EDG3, my skin has become brighter, and I rarely have any pimples now. EDG3 is my favorite product. -
Cracked skin healed!
The skin on my mother’s hands used to always crack and bleed, she was always in pain, and couldn’t do any of the household chores. I introduced her to EDG3 and after consuming it for one month, the symptoms improved! I’m so grateful that my mother no longer struggles with the pain. -
Skin restored and brightened
After trying various products of QNET, I found that EDG3 is the best. This amazing product helped me restore my skin's brightness. This product gives you beauty and makes you feel younger. -
Acne and blemishes reduced
I’ve been dealing with acne since I was a teenager, and my pimples have left lots of scars, dark spots and blemishes on my face. I did everything and used all kinds of products but the problem remained. After just three months of taking EDG3, I noticed that my skin blemishes were reduced. The rough scars are now smooth and my face is firmer. I’ve started taking EDG3 in November 2015; until now, I still do - one sachet a day.
Blood pressure lowered
EDG3 is unbelievable. Both my weight and blood pressure were greatly improved within six months of taking it. My weight has dropped from 102kg to 92.3kg. In 2009, my blood pressure was 195/150 and even after taking medicines and a strict diet, it used to be 140/95. Today, it is 110/74. -
Blood pressure controlled
I am 58 years old and I was diagnosed with hypertension eight years ago. I've been taking my medicine but the blood pressure is just fairly maintaining at 140/90 mm Hg. Sometimes, it can shoot up very high. But after I took EDG3 in combination with my medicine, my blood pressure is maintained within the range of 120/78 mm Hg.
Increased energy levels and immunity
My husband and I were amazed that we didn’t experience jetlag during our 9-day, 4-city US trip. We started each day like we had a full night's sleep, despite getting only 4 hours a night. But best of all, our immune systems remained strong. -
Post chemotherapy pain reduced!
I was a cancer patient and have undergone seven chemotherapy sessions. The chemotherapy caused my entire body to ache, and the pain was unbearable. When I first started taking EDG3, I was amazed that I felt relief from body pain. Moreover, it helps me regain my strength and stamina. I feel that my body is stronger now. -
An energy boost like no other
I took an early retirement at the age of 50 because I was too exhausted and constantly lacked energy. Even the doctors did not know what was wrong with me; they gave me serum injections again and again. My friends introduced EDG3 to me and, after three months of consuming it, the doctors said I’ve gotten better. I couldn’t believe it! If I’d known about EDG3 earlier, I would not have had to retire early. -
All-day energy
EDG3 is really an interesting product. Even if you missed your lunch, you won’t feel hungry. It keeps the hunger pangs away, and boosts and sustains your energy all throughout the day.
No more seasonal flu
I used to have severe sinus problems at certain times in the year and I’d get very sick with flu from time to time. After taking EDG3 for a month, I noticed that I no longer fall sick easily like I used to. I encourage everyone to take this product to protect your health. -
Sinus problems addressed
I have been suffering from sinus problems ever since I was young. It’s very uncomfortable to not be able to breathe freely due to blocked nasal passages. I’m glad that, after taking EDG3 for three months, my sinus problems have been reduced tremendously. -
Breathlessness relieved
I frequently suffer from breathlessness and low stamina. After taking EDG3, my condition has improved. -
Seasonal flu is gone!
I used to suffer from flu every winter and when it happens, I couldn't leave my bed. This year, I have been taking EDG3 and I've not been sick with flu at all. EDG3 is amazing and I will always keep it by my side because it constantly keeps me healthy.
Menstrual problem solved
I have irregular menstrual cycle and have tried many supplements and traditional Chinese medicine, but none of them worked. Then my friends introduced EDG3 to me. Surprisingly, my period has become more regular after using it for two months. Thank you EDG3 for solving my long-term problem. -
Menstrual cycle made regular
Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with fibroids and underwent surgery to have them removed. In 2015, the fibroids grew again and I bled profusely for seven months. My haemoglobin count dropped to 8.1, giving me frequent dizziness and breathlessness. Once, it was so bad that I had to be hospitalised to be put on a drip. After taking EDG3 for two months, the bleeding was sufficiently reduced and my menstrual cycle is back to normal. I rarely feel dizzy nowadays. -
Menstrual cycle regulated
I’ve had irregular menstrual cycles since I was young. I’ve consulted many doctors but no treatment was prescribed as they said everything was normal. Then I started taking two sachets of EDG3 per day. Now, my menstrual cycle has been regular since May 2015. I will recommend this product to everyone. -
Menstrual problem solved
I have irregular menstrual cycle and have tried many supplements and traditional Chinese medicine, but none of them worked. Then my friends introduced EDG3 to me. Surprisingly, my period has become more regular after using it for two months. Thank you EDG3 for solving my long-term problem.